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Privacy Collection Statement

Selleys New Zealand is a division of DuluxGroup (New Zealand) Pty Limited (ABN 55 133 404 118) (“Selleys”). The terms "we", "us", "our" refer to the company and any of our affiliated companies. Your privacy is important to us: Selleys will collect and use the information you submit and may disclose it to third parties to respond to your enquiry. Selleys (and its marketing and communications agencies on its behalf) may also use your name and contact details to send you information for these purposes. Selleys may disclose the information to contractors, market research organisations, marketing and communications agencies and related bodies corporate for this purpose. If you do not provide the personal information requested, we will not be able to fulfil your request. We may also exchange your personal information with other related companies and our service providers, such as delivery companies and technology providers.

Please refer to our Privacy Policy, available on our website ( or on request. It contains further details about: (i) the personal information we collect; (ii) what we do with it; (iii) where we send it; (iv) how you can access and correct it; (v) how you can lodge a privacy complaint regarding the handling of your personal information; (vi) how we handle those complaints; (vii) online privacy; and (viii) the types of service providers we use. If you have any questions regarding the way Yates handles your personal information or wish to seek access to, or correct, personal information we hold about you, please contact our Privacy Officer via [email protected] or call +613 9263 5678.

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