Selleys Silicone Remover
Selleys Silicone Remover takes the elbow grease out of removing old and unwanted silicone.
Nothing looks worse in a bathroom than old, mouldy or discoloured silicone. Black spots of mould in the silicone sealant are unsightly and impossible to clean.
The good news is replacing silicone sealant is easy to do. And using the right sealant will help stop those mouldy spots coming back – here’s how!
Selleys Silicone Remover takes the elbow grease out of removing old and unwanted silicone.
Selleys No Mould Silicone sealant is specially designed to create a long lasting waterproof seal in areas where mould resistance is necessary
Selleys Rapid Mould Killer is a fast acting mould killer. Its powerful formula destroys mould and eliminates 99.9% of germs. Selleys Rapid Mould Killer will leave tiles and grout sparkling clean with minimal effort.
Get rid of bathroom mould forever with these handy tips!
Here are 4 steps to have you caulking like a pro!
A crack in your doors or skirting boards doesn't spell the end for them. Here is a simple 3 step solution to make those cracks disappear.
Selleys Water Shield is ideal for repelling water, snow and ice from a wide variety of fabrics and is one of the unsung heroes of the Selleys range!
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